Blog - AAO

AAO-Endorsed Insurance Program’s 10-Year and 20-Year Term Life Insurance

There are many financial tools people use to help protect themselves, their businesses and their loved ones, such as saving an emergency fund, managing debt, planning for retirement or investing. Many also utilize life insurance. The AAO-Endorsed Insurance Program's Life insurance is available to help protect AAO members like you. Read on to learn about [...]

Now Available! QuickDecision for Group Long Term Disability Income insurance

In September 2023, the AAO-Endorsed Insurance Program launched QuickDecision, a faster application process for Group Term Life insurance coverage, that does not require a medical exam for most applicants. As part of the AAO-Endorsed Insurance Program’s dedication to improving the program to meet the needs of member orthodontists, this quick application process is now available [...]

By | March 21st, 2024|Disability insurance, Life insurance|0 Comments

How to File a Claim as a Practice Owner

Owning your own practice comes with risk and that’s why the AAO-Endorsed Insurance Program, administered by Lockton Affinity, offers coverage to help protect your practice, including: Business Owner’s Policy Employment Practices Liability insurance Cyber Liability insurance and Workers’ Compensation insurance Should an incident occur at your practice that may turn into a claim, it is [...]

By | February 9th, 2024|AAO insurance claims, Practice insurance|0 Comments

Why Insurance Rates Vary

Insurance may seem cut and dry, so why the variance in rates from different insurance partners? There are many factors that contribute to insurance rates, including limit options, claim frequency and more. Factors that Cause Insurance Rates to Vary Insurance policies and their rates vary from company to company. While you may be tempted to [...]

By | January 10th, 2024|AAO insurance information, Insurance tips|0 Comments

AAO-Endorsed Short-Term Disability and Long-Term Disability Insurance

Just think—if you were unable to work as an orthodontist and earn your current salary, your life would be greatly affected. Could you pay your mortgage, bills and loans? Disability insurance is critical for orthodontists and to meet the need for member orthodontists, the AAO-Endorsed Insurance Program, administered by Lockton Affinity offers Group Disability Income [...]

By | October 31st, 2023|AAO insurance information, Life insurance|0 Comments

Introducing Quick Decision: A New AAO-Endorsed Insurance Program Benefit

As part of our dedication to improving the AAO-Endorsed Insurance Program and ensuring it continues to meet the needs of orthodontists like you, we always look for improvements and additional features to add to our policies and program as a whole. We are thrilled to announce a new benefit launching at the end of September—Quick [...]

By | September 6th, 2023|AAO insurance information, Life insurance|0 Comments

Why Life Insurance May Be Required for Orthodontists to Secure a Business Loan

Like the majority of car dealers require drivers to have auto insurance before purchasing and driving a new vehicle off the lot, most lenders require business owners to have life insurance before borrowing a high-value loan to open a practice. Having a life insurance policy in place shows the lender that, should you pass away [...]

Common Insurance Questions When Starting an Orthodontic Practice

Starting an orthodontic practice leads to a lot of questions. Should I buy a current practice from another orthodontist, or should I build my practice from scratch? Do I want the responsibilities and freedom of my own practice? Are my finances in order? Something to consider in your practice ownership journey is insurance for yourself [...]

By | May 11th, 2023|Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Various Career Paths of Orthodontists

The field of orthodontics has several potential pathways an orthodontist’s career might take. You may work for a practice, own your own practice, join a group practice, join a DSO or OSO or find that you’ve worked in a combination of these paths by the end of your career. As an example of how one [...]

FAQs about Insurance for DSO and OSO-Employed Orthodontists

Whether just entering the workforce or many years into their career, many orthodontists are facing the decision to affiliate with an orthodontic service organization (OSO) or dental support organization (DSO). If you are faced with this decision, it's important to understand how this change impacts how you insure yourself, your career and your future. Your [...]

By | January 23rd, 2023|Insurance tips|0 Comments